Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Conspiracy Master Punk! Questions Arising!

First off, Yay! This blogs has just gone over 5,300 hits!

ok... Onto business.

Some of you may not know this, But I am a big Walking Dead TV Show fan. And I just read the compendium 1 of the walking dead book. I am just as big a fan as I am of the Talking Dead.

Now, another thing I am a fan of is pro wrestling. Well, good Pro Wrestling. I DO watch WWE, some of the time, but not all of it. Frankly, making it all about Cena and HHH has been making me totally uninterested for the past couple years.

But, this past Monday, on Raw, When they were looking for 1 more wrestler to join Team Cena, The crowd was chanting LOUDLY for CM Punk. And the WWE Gave them.... Ryback
Disappoint. Me. More.

I am a HUGE Fan  of CM Punk. I followed him on the independent circuits,

When he left WWE, I understood why. But, I knew that it wouldn't be as good anymore.

Then Sunday night, on the Talking dead, something got me thinking...

Flashback to March 16, 2014. CM Punk was on Talking dead under his real name, Phil Brooks. He was not even mentioned as a WWE Wrestler, or former WWE Champion. He was just Phil Brooks.

This was two months after CM Punk quit the WWE. They never called him CM Punk, Punk, or referred to Wrestling, during this show. Simple as that. A friend of mine on facebook told me that the WWE owns the rights to his name with out the periods, So Phil Brooks owns C.M. Punk, and WWE owns CM Punk.

Now, having not been in the fed for over 9 months, even going as far as telling news sources that he has retired from WWE. But this past Sunday, when Phil came back onto Talking Dead...

WTF! He was titled and announced as WWE Superstar, CM Punk. They never called him Phil. Unlike last time, they mentioned all kinds of wrestling stuff. And if you look at the title...
There is no periods after the "C", or the "M".


So, on the next night on Monday night Raw, I'll tell ya. I was hoping CM Punk would have come out.
A Lot of the older wrestlers told me... You never really quit Pro Wrestling. Hell, Look at Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, Rick Flair, & Terry Funk. Hell, Lou Thez was Wrestling in Japan in his 90's.

All of them announce retirement, at least twice. So, would it be so bad if Punk took it back?

I hope at Survivor Series, At the main event... You hear Cult of Personality, CM comes out, gives Cena a GTFS, and taps out HHH.


Let's get your Thoughts!

Would you be mad if C.M. Punk Returned to WWE?
Yes. He said he retired. He went back on his word.
Yes. He sucks Luke Harper's Beard's Balls.
Yes. If he comes back, it should be to smaller feds that are full of respect.
No. Other Wrestling Entertainers have done it. Why should he be treated differently.
No, Please come back and save WWE. CM PUNK! CM PUNK! CM PUNK!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

MAybe a survey for you guys?

What would you like to see on here? More tutorials? Rants? Reviews? Please let me know!

Just post in the comments section!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

First thought of the leaked "Avengers: Age of Ultron" Trailer

Even though the trailer wasn't supposed to come out until next week during the Agents of Shield show, somehow, it has gotten leaked onto the internets. And hoo-boy, what a look I got!

There is better Quality than this one, and they will be gone by the same time you've clicked this link...

First off, I love the fact that James Spader is the voice of Ultron. I have only seen the first season of the Blacklist, but he is awesome.

Next, I can see that it looks to be Good ol' Cap that releases Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Then again, I honestly know notta-lotta on the comic book realms in Avengerdom. So, maybe it's a trap? Go ask Admiral Akbar, he'll know.

But the thing that made me squee a little is the bromance problems between Stark and Banner. Squee, because we get to see the Hulkbuster armor.... Huzzah!

And to remind you that Disney is still in control of this masterpiece, you can hear the rendition of "No Strings on Me" That was originally the song sung by Pinocchio in Disney's "Pinocchio". Sounds fun.

If you were to pic a famous Disney Song to represent a Marvel Character, What would the Song be? and For which Marvel Character? Doesn't have to be just Avengers. Post it on here!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Anime Season Coming up! I'm excited for....

So the summer Animes are finally done and gone. I will miss them. I especially like the fact that a lot of them dealt with stories of characters working on or in Manga and Anime. My favorite that was playing this summer was "Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun" or also known as "Monthly Girl Nozaki-kun". It's an anime in which a girl, Sakura Chiyo, Confesses her live to her fellow student, Nozaki. However, the way she expresses it comes across as a fan, in which he responds by giving her his signature. Going home, depressed, she suddenly realizes that she recognizes the signature. It is from one of her favorite Shoujo mangas. She eventually starts to help him with his manga, and learns that a lot of the people she goes to school with is either helping him, as well, or is inspiration for his characters. He is very oblivious to her love for him, which is frustrating to watch, but hilarious to watch the comedy unfold. I enjoyed this more than I did "Kuroshitsuji - Book of Circus"

Uh, Jesus. Look at me.

Anywho, I have currently watched about 9 new animes. Currently I'm looking forward to watching "Denki-Gai no Honya-san", which is an anime about the peculiar employees and goings on at a manga store.

But I am looking very forward to "Yowamushi Pedal: Grande Road" which is now in its second season. I really didn't think I would be that into an anime about bike racing, but holy shit. The best part about this anime, is that while the one kid is becoming a better bike rider, he's making them all anime fans.

For a look at all the anime this fall, click here:

To watch some of these animes, check out these:

"Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun"

Kuroshitsuji - Book of Circus

"Denki-Gai no Honya-san"

Yowamushi Pedal

Recent Hoax damaging to haunted house attractions, everywhere.

Recently, there was a report of a man entering inside a Haunted House Attraction with a live Chainsaw, and killing people. Since the first report, there have been several other reports that this has been happening at other Haunted House Attractions.

Some one has even posted a video on Claiming to be footage of the beginning of the murders. But I'm not posting it on here.

Not because it's too graphic, no. Because it is a HOAX!

Some People decided to get a lot of publicity in scaring people out of going to haunted house attractions this year. And the sad part... is that it's working.

There has been a decrease in ticket sales around the areas of these false reports. This could mean being the last year for some haunts.

People don't realize that posting lies, and trying to sell it as genuine info to the public is extremely damaging to the industry.

But something is being done about it. First off, people like me are posting the info about this to help save face for the BS news that is going viral.

Next, There are some Haunted House Attractions that are seeking legal action against this false news report. I don't know what the charges can be. Defamation of Character, Slander, Baring false Witness. There may not even be a case. But hopefully the poster will get the message about posting things without worrying about a repercussion.

If you want to find out more about this BS news line, do your own search. I'm not gonna help spread the lies.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October's Loot Crate is Fear. & My Wish List for it.

Well, if any of you do not know what Loot Crate is, you may not be a nerd. Check it out.

Loot Crate Page

Those of you that are on loot crate, should already know now that the theme for October is FEAR. And this excites me!

They've already given a teaser for one of the items that will be in the box. it is a Loot Crate exclusive Walking Dead Comic number #132 with new variant cover by artist Charlie Adlard.

This makes me giddy, as all get out. But this also makes me wonder what else will be available in this month's Loot Crate. I have a wish list.

  • Pop Vinyl Sam Burlap from Trick 'r' Treat
  • Burlap Mask based off the Batman villian, Scarecrow.
  • Jason Voorhees whatever!
  • Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin

I will already be happy with just this. But some extra perks would be nice. Especially after last month's Crate. Wah-wah....

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Botchamania 258 Featuring WTFW Wrestlers

Not many of you reading this know, But from August 2001 until October of 2010, I was a Professional Wrestler. I had worked for many different Semi Feds in the midwest states, but mostly in Indiana. Around 2007 I decided to come up with my own fed. World Takeover Federation Wrestling.

Originally, it was called What the F**k? Wrestling (WTF?W). The original Idea was to have a motley crew of Misfit wrestlers. We changed the name for more of a family friendly show. Wrestlers that originally wouldn't have been accepted in normal feds. And the Titles would not be ordinary, either.

We had the Code Red Champion, in which you have to perform a top rope manuver Directly before the Pinning attempt. Then there was the Unisex Champion, in which to be apart of that division, you would claim "Neither" for gender when entering the fed.

Then we had the World Professional Thumb-wrestling Championship. You can guess how that goes. Then there was the F-13 Championship, where you could only defend the title on a Friday the 13th. And the streetcore champion, Which is basically a hardcore championship.

We also had some fun matches. Like the Makeshift midgets match. You had to wrestle on your knees, and if you got on your feet, you were disqualified.

And the roulette match. You would wrestle, and every 2-3 minutes, we would spin a roulette wheel, and whatever match the wheel would stop on, that's the rules you would follow.

But through all of this time In later years, I stopped watching wrestling on television. It became extremely mundane. the only time I enjoyed watching wrestling, was when I was watching Botchamania.

What I love about Botchamania, it that it takes a lot of superstars from WWE(F), WCW, ECW, TNA, and humanizes them. Too many times when regular fans are watching shows on TV, they don't realize that they mess up spots. BM pulls the curtain away to show us how human they are. And when BM shows Botches from Smaller independent feds, they even the field. It doesn't matter if you are wrestling in a packed stadium in front of 96,000 fans, a bingo hall for 300 people, or a two car garage for 15 friends and family of the wrestlers in the show. We all still mess up.

And now some of the feds that I've worked for's botches have made it into Botchamania. Not me exactly.

First one you see is around 3:40. It was at a show for RCCW (Rose City Championship Wrestling), in Richmond, IN. It was in a six-man Tag Team Match Between the team of Lord Haydes (with Grimm), Dante, And Psyclone J. and the team of Me (Vinny Rattlocke), Mr. Graves, And Superman Rob. The Botch that was featured was when Mr. Graves tried to Clothesline Lord Haydes, and Haydes decides to pre-fall on the move, then causing Mr. Graves to trip.

The Second one is for SHW (Strictly Hardcore Wrestling) in Corydon, IN. The Match was between Reaper and Jake Idol. Reaper tried to pull off a Spinny-Spinny move ending in a hurracarana, But it died halfway through the move, and to save the spot, Jake Idol grabs Reaper's leg to make him kick Idol in the balls.

The Third one, also for SHW, is Mr. Graves going up the Steps to the ring, when the steps collapse under him. Causing him to butt slide into the ring, ending with him giving a thumbs up to the crowd.

The last one is a submission battle royal match for TCWA (Tri-City Wrestling Alliance), Involving wrestlers from WTFW. (Vinny Rattlocke, Fat Stuff, Mr. Graves, D3 Scrubbz McGee, Psyclone J., and Yokura, the 1,000 fist assassin). In this botch, I (Vinny Rattlocke) Attempt a Suplex to Fat Stuff, without realizing that Yokura is falling behind me, making him the new landing pad for this suplex.

Some people may think that I should be embarrassed for being put on a show that displays my mistakes in the ring. I'm proud that my mistakes in the ring are good enough to be featured with other superstars' botches. And there is no such thing as bad press!

Here's to hopefully seeing more of my mess ups on the next BOTCHAMANIA!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I'm a liar.

So much for a blog a day until November 1st. I got too much on my plate.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

For this October...

I have decided that I'm gonna try to do a blog a day, everyday untill November 1st. The Blog can be as complex or simple as I can make it. Like this one. I only plan to use this one as a method to explain what I'm doing.

But since I'm on here, I will explain to online things I absolutely love. and

I love because, a lot of the time, these shirts are only available for 24 hours. Today is the coolest and saddest of the shirt days for me. Mainly because of my fascination with Jason Voorhees. These Shirts are awesome! Especially this one.

I believe this shirt is based on the Wolverine vs Hulk Comic

Yup. That's the One.

But Unfortunately I have 7 hours to come up with $14.98. So, Not gonna happen. Oh, well. But just a warning. Anyone else that decides to buy this shirt. Please make sure your far from me. I will take this shirt from you,

I'll talk about the Loot Crate site on a different post. Laters!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Time to vent about : Commissioning a piece you have no idea about. Warning! Swearing in post.

So, I am going to apologize in advance for some of my language in this. I am extremely upset over the Idiocy of on person trying to save a few bucks on my work. And I kinda cut loose.

So, In February, I had a gentleman ask me if I was still interested in making another Sam Burlap (Main Character in the Movie "Trick 'r' Treat") costume, and asked for price. So, I told him That I do the Mask, PJ's, Lollipop, Candy bar, and gloves for $275

This is mine.
. He now also wants the Jack'o'lantern, and his trick or treat sack as well. I told him $325, which is still a reasonable price. he wanted it done for $250, for all of it. As I was getting ready to tell him good day, He mentioned that he is in charge of a haunt, and wants it on display in one of the exhibits.

OK, this guy must have heard that I am an avid haunted house supporter. So, I am to do the whole thing for $265.00. Now Mind you, he also orders it in February, so that he doesn't have to get it rushed. He tells me that he needs it in September.

Now, if anybody that's reading this knows anything about me. They know that I do not shortcut anything. But also, I have a ton of Shit on my plate. And as of late, One of the things on my plate is being taken off. Namely, my current site for Junk-Punk Workshoppe. Now this is a main Problem because that is where I am Making this costume. So, While in the process of getting everything moved out of the shop, I still need to complete my commission orders. So, I show him progress on the Head, The Lollipop Candy bar, and finished JOL(Jack o lantern)

Now he responds with that he wants the whole thing in June, Knocking 2 months off my time. Now making this a rush order. But that's not all.

He's mad because the prop Lollipop is not yellow? You gotta be kidding me!

He's telling me how to do my job. and trying to tell me I did something wrong with a prop that I have already made multiple times, and also now have seen the movie well over 300 times now. I even have saved movie stills for reference.

At first I though he was kidding, when I realized he wasn't, I started to question my own sanity. So I polled my friends on Facebook.

And it was Unanimous! It was Mother-Riboflavin Orange. It IS a JOL Lollipop, For Rudy's sake!

So After I tell him that it is supposed to be orange, like in the movie, He gets snippy with me saying it doesn't matter. Well, it does to me! You want a movie quality stand up prop. Not some BS wal-mart clone copy. And you want the colors to coordinate with, I don't know... The Goddamn Movie!

Folks if you want something done to where you hire out to have the task done, and you go with the one guy because he has done it/made it countless times.... Do not question what he does. It ends up making you look very idiotic.

So he then posts this to, me. Even though he told me to not rush it.

I can't Fucking believe this guy! I was about ready to set fire to the whole damn thing, then mail him the ashes! But I decided to lay it strait and as professional as possible.

He paid me the full amount. I sent him the product. He accused me of only sending him the mask. I told him to look into the mask twice. Then he found everything, and that was that.

If he never does business with me, it will be too soon.

And from now on, I will no longer be making the PJ's for the outfit. I will do the mask, Lollipop, and Candybar. That's it. Thank this guy.

Sorry for the rant. But If I didn't let this out I would have quit making shit all together over this guy

Sunday, April 6, 2014

New Costuming Project. No Title!

Ok, guys. It's been a while since I have posted a bunch of tutorials. And everyone loved the Chainsaw Tutorial so much! Click here if you haven't seen that post yet! I even won an award with it. Then I lent it to a haunt in Acton, and never saw it again... Boo!

So, I plan to make a play by play of another project I just decided to work on. An Arm piece!

I get the inspiration from a couple of the prop booths at Transworld this year. Especially Gore-Galore!

OOOh, Momma!

but, since I don't have the hundreds of dollars to buy this or make it, I will have to go the Junk-Punk route!

1. First off, I needed to make a standard Base piece which I can build off of.
I was able to find some Large Cardboard Tubing from a package I had received a while ago.

(Ok, I am a pack Rat. I'm surprised I've thrown away anything.)

With the length, I am able to cut it in half and make two. For right now, just one.
 Now, I got the piece that covers the arm. But I need it to stay on my arm without any funny looking strap. So, I need more cardboard...
Cutting out hole for cardboard handle.

Cardboard inserted.

Inside shot.

Arm in.

get a grip!

So, once I have it in the right spot, I use hot glue to anchor it in place.

Not Going anywhere...

So, With that done, the next step is to cap off the top. So, to do that, I used a leftover piece from an earlier project. 

Cutting small triangles into the sides, so I'll be able to fit it better onto the tube.

I attached it onto the top using clear tape. Then I wanted to focus on adding the scariness to it. So, I grabbed this...

Some people Might Remember this piece. I made it from two axes for my Minotaur character 3 years ago.
Protecting the Goddess's Baby.

Well, I normally have some items I make have a shelf life of about 2 or 3 years, before I re-purpose it. Well, time's up! I carefully took both blades off, and saved the handle, tip, and collar for a possible project, and attached the blades to the arm piece.

Oh wait, first, I stuffed the insides of the blades with plastic shopping bags, to make it a little sturdier. Then I attached them to the arm piece .

One Blade...

And Two Blades....

They are only temporarily attached with screws, right now, Until I get a new Pop-Rivet gun. And that's a different rant...

Now, Originally, I was going to put the face of a skull on the top, But I wanted it to look more sinister. I happened to have some scrap foam padding for furniture, so I cut them into cubes, then carved them into grossly shaped spikes, then hot glued them to the piece.

It does look funny right now, But I plan to do a base coat of black latex paint, and that will make the foam spikes sealed and smooth.

That's what I have done for now. Will do a part two when I get more completed.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Transworld 2014... A constant Reminder.

After a couple years of hiatus, I was finally able to attend Transworld HAA this year. 
For those of you that do not know what that is, Transworld HAA is a Halloween Trade-show (HAA = Halloween And Attractions). It was originally held in Rosemont, IL. It was a super huge how to do. It would host vendors of Halloween masks, costumes, props, prosthetics, party supplies, and music. It catered to not only Vendors of seasonal Halloween Stores, But Haunted house Attraction Owners, as well.

For one year, It made a move to Las Vegas. That turned out to be a bad gamble. So, they then went to St. Louis, MO, at America's Center. And they seem to be doing OK for themselves. Over the past couple years, They have started an admission fee to the show. $50 per person. That is a major reason that I did not attend the first couple of times. If you are running a successful Halloween business, I can understand it. But if you are just a little lonely fan of Halloween and horror, It's hard to purchase your ticket, then have some money left over to purchase other items as well.

When I did go this year, it seemed to have less vendors, than normal. But they were the vendors for more of a commercial seasonal Halloween shop, So, I wasn't heart-broken. But it did look smaller compare to the previous years. 

I did enjoy seeing  familiar faces, and also newcomers on the trade-show floor. Always a Favorite booth to check out is Midnight Syndicate. They are one of the tops for haunted house soundtracking. And their new album, "Monsters of Legend" is a great addition to their melodic arsenal.
The guys at Pumpkin Pulp always has a lot of good masks on display. I even bought a shirt off of them! They also help run Scarevania out of Muncie, IN. Definately need to check them out this year!
Very, very nice...

Bad Jack Productions was also great to see again. They have my current favorite fiberglass mask that I turned into a kick-A Splatterhouse terror mask.
                                 What they sent me...                                            What I made......

Now it was disappointing to Find out that Brian Demski, although present at the show, did not have his art booth there. He is an amazing talent, and I hope to spent a lot of money on his work, someday.

A booth I just just discovered this year, and is it's second year running is. Krooked Kreations. One of my favorite masks is a hybrid Rotted pumpkin/scarecrow mask.

And there were other booths that I will list later... But as I said in the title, I keep getting constantly reminded that I am nowhere near where I wanted to be 10 years ago. True, I am making some money on the side making custom props and costuming accessories. I have also been helping with different things for a movie. And I am grateful for all of that. But I honestly thought I would be doing this as a full time profession by now. But if I was to do that right now, I would have to quit my current job. And let's face it, that ain't gonna happen, I love it there! So, until I make it to the big time, I'm just gonna put my head down and keep doing what I do.
That reminds me, I have some commission pieces that I gotta get back to. Later!

PS: If you are reading this blog, and you have clicked on some of the above links, Then hopefully you are a fan of either Halloween, Horror, or Haunted houses. So, please do take some time to check out these honorable mentions that were also at the Transworld HAA.

Haunter's Digest - A very well put together website dealing with just about anything and everything in the haunt industry.

Zombie Army Productions - A big group of people that would provide any help to creating and running a haunted house or haunted event.

Gore Galore - Very grimy and gritty costume, mask and effects shop

Screamline Studios - Another outstanding producer of masks, props, effects, and prosthetics.