Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Time to vent about : Commissioning a piece you have no idea about. Warning! Swearing in post.

So, I am going to apologize in advance for some of my language in this. I am extremely upset over the Idiocy of on person trying to save a few bucks on my work. And I kinda cut loose.

So, In February, I had a gentleman ask me if I was still interested in making another Sam Burlap (Main Character in the Movie "Trick 'r' Treat") costume, and asked for price. So, I told him That I do the Mask, PJ's, Lollipop, Candy bar, and gloves for $275

This is mine.
. He now also wants the Jack'o'lantern, and his trick or treat sack as well. I told him $325, which is still a reasonable price. he wanted it done for $250, for all of it. As I was getting ready to tell him good day, He mentioned that he is in charge of a haunt, and wants it on display in one of the exhibits.

OK, this guy must have heard that I am an avid haunted house supporter. So, I am to do the whole thing for $265.00. Now Mind you, he also orders it in February, so that he doesn't have to get it rushed. He tells me that he needs it in September.

Now, if anybody that's reading this knows anything about me. They know that I do not shortcut anything. But also, I have a ton of Shit on my plate. And as of late, One of the things on my plate is being taken off. Namely, my current site for Junk-Punk Workshoppe. Now this is a main Problem because that is where I am Making this costume. So, While in the process of getting everything moved out of the shop, I still need to complete my commission orders. So, I show him progress on the Head, The Lollipop Candy bar, and finished JOL(Jack o lantern)

Now he responds with that he wants the whole thing in June, Knocking 2 months off my time. Now making this a rush order. But that's not all.

He's mad because the prop Lollipop is not yellow? You gotta be kidding me!

He's telling me how to do my job. and trying to tell me I did something wrong with a prop that I have already made multiple times, and also now have seen the movie well over 300 times now. I even have saved movie stills for reference.

At first I though he was kidding, when I realized he wasn't, I started to question my own sanity. So I polled my friends on Facebook.

And it was Unanimous! It was Mother-Riboflavin Orange. It IS a JOL Lollipop, For Rudy's sake!

So After I tell him that it is supposed to be orange, like in the movie, He gets snippy with me saying it doesn't matter. Well, it does to me! You want a movie quality stand up prop. Not some BS wal-mart clone copy. And you want the colors to coordinate with, I don't know... The Goddamn Movie!

Folks if you want something done to where you hire out to have the task done, and you go with the one guy because he has done it/made it countless times.... Do not question what he does. It ends up making you look very idiotic.

So he then posts this to, me. Even though he told me to not rush it.

I can't Fucking believe this guy! I was about ready to set fire to the whole damn thing, then mail him the ashes! But I decided to lay it strait and as professional as possible.

He paid me the full amount. I sent him the product. He accused me of only sending him the mask. I told him to look into the mask twice. Then he found everything, and that was that.

If he never does business with me, it will be too soon.

And from now on, I will no longer be making the PJ's for the outfit. I will do the mask, Lollipop, and Candybar. That's it. Thank this guy.

Sorry for the rant. But If I didn't let this out I would have quit making shit all together over this guy

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