Sunday, September 23, 2012

Each year, Halloween season gets shorter...

When I was a kid, the holidays were awesome, cause Halloween would start up so soon. It would be the first of August, and stores would already have stuff up for sale. It's almost the end of September, and  only  half the Halloween stuff is up. This season is dying. More candy is sold, but less is given out. Most houses around me aren't even available to trick'or'treat at. There are more people stealing candy and terrorizing kids than there are trick'or'treaters anymore.
And costume at shops are getting more and more Blah, now. The only way to find a decent costume is if it's based off a character in a blockbuster movie, or you plan to be a slutty version of something. Or you have to hit some horror, or haunt con to get good gear.
Yes, I'm complaining. And I have every right to. There is already Christmas Stuff up! Before HAlloween!!!
MAkes no sense to me. That's one of the reasons I do my costume home made. I try to spend as little money as possible that supports people that do very little to celebrate this great holiday. and then, most halloween shops are gone by the 2nd of nov. and christmas might as well be up year round! I want my holiday back!

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