Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cardboard Goggles Tutorial

Hey there Everybody! Time for another tutorial. And Since people know by now that it is my specialty I will be showing you how to make...

Cardboard Goggles!
What Items you will need:
  • Cardboard tube(Paper towel or TP tube)
  • Long rubber band(For the headband)
  • A transparent piece for the lens(Like an old cd or dvd jewel case)
  • Dogtag chain

Tools you will need:
  • Glue gun or tape or a type of adhesive
  • Scissors or X-acto knife
  • Permantent marker

Step 1: Take the card board roll, and measure two equal sections to cut off to use at the eye pieces.

Step 2: After cutting the two sections, Take your marker, and draw a line to cut out the eyepiece. You'l want the area toward the ear to be longer than the area by the nose. After you draw it, cut it out.

Step 3: Using your newly cut Eyepieces, and the marker, Put the front of the eyepiece under your transparent item you will use to make your lens.) In this scenario, I am using a blue transparent plastic DVD case.)
Then take the Marker, and on top of the piece, trace the circles of the eyepiece. Then cut out both lenses.

Step 4: Using your Adhesive(I used a glue Gun for this one) Put a layer on the edge of the front of the eyepiece, then place the Lens on top of it. Let cool/dry.

Step 5: Using the Chain from a dogtag, I then put a hole on each eyepiece on the inside. I then fit one ball through the hole of each piece. I then used my adhesive to seal it.

Step 6: I then drilled two holes, on on each piece on the outer part of the eyepiece, and fed an end of the long rubberband through. I then tied it off to finish the head strap.

And there you have it! a new pair of goggles! great to have as a piece for a laboratory, or an industrial scene. It can hel an actor get more of a personality, without the confines of a mask, or the messiness of full facepaint.

You can also have more fun by changing it up a little bit and decorate how you feel. Like the two pairs I made:

These pair I did a couple months back. Instead of using hot glue, I used masking tape to hold the lenses in place, and Eyelets to hold the bridgepiece and headstrap on. I also used elastic for the headstrap, and a cutout piece of black pleather for the bridgepiece. And I spraypainted the eyepieces gold before cutting out the images for the front design.

And the new one is identical to the top tutorial, but I added the pieces I cut off from the eye pieces, and hot glued them to the ops of the eye pieces. I then used black and red paint pens for the design.

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial!

And please, feel free to post pics of yours, if you decide to make you a pair as well.

And here is a video tutorial as well:
Have fun.

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