Thursday, November 15, 2012

Haunted House Review: Fear Fair in Seymour, Indiana

So, Unfortunately, I was only able to make to one haunted house this year. Fortunately, it was Fear Fair, in Seymour, Indiana.

It was a very well done haunt. Kinda hard to find, as a first timer to the local. But once you've been there, it's hard to forget.

This isn't just a review of the haunt, it is also just a tale of my experience being there.

First off, parking was a very simple task. A+!

Next, I was also happy to see that the ticket booth was far enough from the actual line to enter the haunt, keeping from accidental "You mean I have been waiting here for 3 hours, and this isn't even for tickets???"

The Line. After waiting for a bout twenty minutes, we asked ourselves if we wanted to wait another 3 hours to go in. No? Good! Cause there are actual workers by the lines that sell speed pass bumps, so we wouldn't have to walk back to the ticket booth. then the wait was a half hour. and when we got out, our original spot in General Admission had only moved 40 feet.

Now with the haunt itself.

OK. So, I am there with my wife, Brandy, and our friends, Jon and Veronica. Non of us really scare that easily  Then we had a father, a son, and a daughter join our group, because the Mother and other son freaked out and ran out from the main entrance.

And we enter the intro room to their new house, Hangar 17. Supposedly a military testing site making zombie soldiers and other monstrosities. It had a nice into, with two tv effects. First was the man greeting us that then started getting attacked. Next was the door to enter had a false window that would play a loop of undead soldiers with some beast at the side. Then they fired at the door, and came to it, then opened. We entered.
I can't really say much else about this new house. I would like to tell you all I saw prop and decoration wise, But I can't. The workers were too busy screaming in our face to "Move our asses" And pointing guns in our faces, and just being in the way. So, the experience was meh, at most.

And then we entered the cinema of nightmares, or whatever they called it. There was a room that was done like a theatre screening room, and you actually walked into the movie screen to enter. It was actually two 4' claustrophobia walls, and since my wife is claustrophobic, I will say that she handled that very well. Then there were different set ups from different horror films. Texas Chainsaw, Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween, Scream, Friday the 13th, Jeepers Creepers, Even a huge Zombie apocalypse scene based on "The Walking Dead".

Very well done rooms and decoration and make up on the zombies. Even had one of my favorite Kill scenes from the New F-13 Film with the Sleeping Bag roast. But I still have complaints.

Now to let you know, these are my own opinions, google does not agree, nor do they condone my thoughts. this is all me.


First off, 3 Things I hate. Scream Franchise, Jeepers Creepers Franchise, And Rob Zombie's Bullshit Halloween Films. They aren't Scary, and all in all, they were just bad. So I was very disappointed to see them using these two monsters and Bob's version of the shape in this haunt. Jeeper monster looks like Swamp Thing and Hulk Hogan had a baby. and Scream was a spoof of horror films. And I don't want a haunt to remind me of the butchering that Halloween received at the hands of Zombie.

And another thing that was a disappointment. Jason Voorhees. I love Friday the 13th. I even request it as a holiday at my work. And I have a rule. If you are going to play a well known character, then be the character! don't be a cheap knockoff!
The clothes for jason were wrong. And i couldn't get over it. So, much time spent on all this scenery, and not enough on the clothes of the main man from it? Come on.
Oh, and Leatherface breaking character the whole time we were in line, and then not even being there when we went through his exhibit. Booooo.....
But I still give that Haunt a B+. And will plan to go back next year. Maybe they can do a Video Game Horror related exhibit. Silent Hill, Resident Evil. Splatterhouse?!??!!!

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