Sunday, April 6, 2014

New Costuming Project. No Title!

Ok, guys. It's been a while since I have posted a bunch of tutorials. And everyone loved the Chainsaw Tutorial so much! Click here if you haven't seen that post yet! I even won an award with it. Then I lent it to a haunt in Acton, and never saw it again... Boo!

So, I plan to make a play by play of another project I just decided to work on. An Arm piece!

I get the inspiration from a couple of the prop booths at Transworld this year. Especially Gore-Galore!

OOOh, Momma!

but, since I don't have the hundreds of dollars to buy this or make it, I will have to go the Junk-Punk route!

1. First off, I needed to make a standard Base piece which I can build off of.
I was able to find some Large Cardboard Tubing from a package I had received a while ago.

(Ok, I am a pack Rat. I'm surprised I've thrown away anything.)

With the length, I am able to cut it in half and make two. For right now, just one.
 Now, I got the piece that covers the arm. But I need it to stay on my arm without any funny looking strap. So, I need more cardboard...
Cutting out hole for cardboard handle.

Cardboard inserted.

Inside shot.

Arm in.

get a grip!

So, once I have it in the right spot, I use hot glue to anchor it in place.

Not Going anywhere...

So, With that done, the next step is to cap off the top. So, to do that, I used a leftover piece from an earlier project. 

Cutting small triangles into the sides, so I'll be able to fit it better onto the tube.

I attached it onto the top using clear tape. Then I wanted to focus on adding the scariness to it. So, I grabbed this...

Some people Might Remember this piece. I made it from two axes for my Minotaur character 3 years ago.
Protecting the Goddess's Baby.

Well, I normally have some items I make have a shelf life of about 2 or 3 years, before I re-purpose it. Well, time's up! I carefully took both blades off, and saved the handle, tip, and collar for a possible project, and attached the blades to the arm piece.

Oh wait, first, I stuffed the insides of the blades with plastic shopping bags, to make it a little sturdier. Then I attached them to the arm piece .

One Blade...

And Two Blades....

They are only temporarily attached with screws, right now, Until I get a new Pop-Rivet gun. And that's a different rant...

Now, Originally, I was going to put the face of a skull on the top, But I wanted it to look more sinister. I happened to have some scrap foam padding for furniture, so I cut them into cubes, then carved them into grossly shaped spikes, then hot glued them to the piece.

It does look funny right now, But I plan to do a base coat of black latex paint, and that will make the foam spikes sealed and smooth.

That's what I have done for now. Will do a part two when I get more completed.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Transworld 2014... A constant Reminder.

After a couple years of hiatus, I was finally able to attend Transworld HAA this year. 
For those of you that do not know what that is, Transworld HAA is a Halloween Trade-show (HAA = Halloween And Attractions). It was originally held in Rosemont, IL. It was a super huge how to do. It would host vendors of Halloween masks, costumes, props, prosthetics, party supplies, and music. It catered to not only Vendors of seasonal Halloween Stores, But Haunted house Attraction Owners, as well.

For one year, It made a move to Las Vegas. That turned out to be a bad gamble. So, they then went to St. Louis, MO, at America's Center. And they seem to be doing OK for themselves. Over the past couple years, They have started an admission fee to the show. $50 per person. That is a major reason that I did not attend the first couple of times. If you are running a successful Halloween business, I can understand it. But if you are just a little lonely fan of Halloween and horror, It's hard to purchase your ticket, then have some money left over to purchase other items as well.

When I did go this year, it seemed to have less vendors, than normal. But they were the vendors for more of a commercial seasonal Halloween shop, So, I wasn't heart-broken. But it did look smaller compare to the previous years. 

I did enjoy seeing  familiar faces, and also newcomers on the trade-show floor. Always a Favorite booth to check out is Midnight Syndicate. They are one of the tops for haunted house soundtracking. And their new album, "Monsters of Legend" is a great addition to their melodic arsenal.
The guys at Pumpkin Pulp always has a lot of good masks on display. I even bought a shirt off of them! They also help run Scarevania out of Muncie, IN. Definately need to check them out this year!
Very, very nice...

Bad Jack Productions was also great to see again. They have my current favorite fiberglass mask that I turned into a kick-A Splatterhouse terror mask.
                                 What they sent me...                                            What I made......

Now it was disappointing to Find out that Brian Demski, although present at the show, did not have his art booth there. He is an amazing talent, and I hope to spent a lot of money on his work, someday.

A booth I just just discovered this year, and is it's second year running is. Krooked Kreations. One of my favorite masks is a hybrid Rotted pumpkin/scarecrow mask.

And there were other booths that I will list later... But as I said in the title, I keep getting constantly reminded that I am nowhere near where I wanted to be 10 years ago. True, I am making some money on the side making custom props and costuming accessories. I have also been helping with different things for a movie. And I am grateful for all of that. But I honestly thought I would be doing this as a full time profession by now. But if I was to do that right now, I would have to quit my current job. And let's face it, that ain't gonna happen, I love it there! So, until I make it to the big time, I'm just gonna put my head down and keep doing what I do.
That reminds me, I have some commission pieces that I gotta get back to. Later!

PS: If you are reading this blog, and you have clicked on some of the above links, Then hopefully you are a fan of either Halloween, Horror, or Haunted houses. So, please do take some time to check out these honorable mentions that were also at the Transworld HAA.

Haunter's Digest - A very well put together website dealing with just about anything and everything in the haunt industry.

Zombie Army Productions - A big group of people that would provide any help to creating and running a haunted house or haunted event.

Gore Galore - Very grimy and gritty costume, mask and effects shop

Screamline Studios - Another outstanding producer of masks, props, effects, and prosthetics.